ID #3307

Electronic Design: Neptun

Connection: Video Socket (Amiga 23pin)


The Neptun is an external genlock for Amigas which supports Y/C, RGB and Composite. The buttons on the front control Power, RGB Monitor, Invert Keying, Alpha Overlay and local and remote video fade.

- YC Input
- Composite input
- RGB input (DB15)
- Serial (DB9) for software control via the Amiga
- YC output
- Composite output
- RGB output (DB23)

Bandwidth: RGB 10Mhz, YC 5.5Mhz, Composite 4Mhz

Contributions to this page by:
Antoine Dubourg

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-25 18:32
Revision: 1.0

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