ID #3430

MacroSystem (US & Germany): Altais / Altais Plus

Connection: Dracobus


Both pictures are of the Altais, NOT the Altais PLUS.
Both pictures are of the Altais, NOT the Altais PLUS.

Chipset(s)Symbios Logic (NCR) 77C32BLT (for original Altais)
S3 Trio 64 V+ (for Altais Plus)
Graphics Memory1MB or
8bit Support: Yes
16bit Support: Yes
24bit Support: Yes
Display Drivers
CyberGraphX V2: Yes [Altais]
No [Altais Plus]
CyberGraphX V3: No [Altais]
Yes [Altais Plus]
CyberGraphX V4: Yes (requires at least V4.1)
Picasso 96: No (Chipset is supported, but unknown if specific card is)
EGS: Unknown
Other: Yes (RetinaEmu RTG)

The Altais and Altais Plus are graphics card which plug into the Dracobus as found on the Amiga clone called the Draco.

Contributions to this page by:
Pascal Sallan

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-25 20:37
Revision: 1.0

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