ID #3464

E3B: Algor USB / Algor USB Pro

Connection: Zorro II

Algor USB
Algor USB

Algor USB Pro
Algor USB Pro

Hi Res Version, Algor USB Pro - 64K

The Algor is a half length Zorro II card which provides the Amiga with USB. It supports USB up to version 2.0 although without high-speed mode. The card contains an integrated 3-port USB hub with 512K of FlashROM and 1MB for the Pro version, for the Poseidon USB stack. Apparently it can also host Kickstart 4.0 in ROM, once AmigaOS 4.0 is released for classic Amigas. The card also contains a 38pin expansion header for use with the Norway ethernet module or HyperCom 3i. The card requires at least an 030@25Mhz and AmigaOS 3.1 to operate. The Aglor is similar to the Highway, but is 3-port instead of 4 and has FlashROM.

Contributions to this page by:
Andreas Stürmer, Mario Misic

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-25 21:03
Revision: 1.0

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