ID #3561

Amiga Technologies: Aceex 14k4

Connection: Serial Port


This is an external Amiga branded modem which was supplied with some of the A1200 Surf Packs which were released during the reign of Escom/Amiga Technologies. The modem itself is simply a rebadged 14k4 FAX modem which was made by a Taiwanese firm called Aceex. Apparently not all Aceex modems sold in the Surf Packs had been rebadged with the Amiga label.

FCCRN: 1.IBTAI-74823-FA-E Other Labels:
BZT A107 335D CE

Please see another Amiga branded modem.

Contributions to this page by:
Serge Guillaume

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-26 09:20
Revision: 1.0

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