ID #3623

H. Horak: NewKick

Connection: Kickstart Socket

Image of the NewKick V2.1
Image of the NewKick V2.1

Closeup of the V2.1 PCB - 133K

The NewKick is a kickstart switcher for the AMIGA. The card connects to the kickstart socket, perhaps originally to the A1000. On the card there is a socket for the original kickstart ROM and also six sockets for kickstart EPROMs, which are labelled as follows:

ODD1, ODD2, 
EVEN1, EVEN2 (1001/512),
ODD, EVEN (271001)
This item also has two external switches. The function of them is unknwon. Also there are two jumpers (JP1, JP2) which functions is unknown, too.

Contributions to this page by:
Andreas Paul

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-26 14:28
Revision: 1.0

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