ID #3691

Kenilworth Systems: GPI Game Interface

Connection: ISA, Zorro II

GPI Game Interface
GPI Game Interface

GPI Game Processor card, front
GPI Game Processor card, front

GPI Game Processor card, back
GPI Game Processor card, back

Hi Res Version, GPI Game Interface - 419K
Hi Res Version, GPI Game Processor card, front - 461K
Hi Res Version, GPI Game Processor card, back - 646K
Image of interface card label - 484K
Image of processor card label - 571K

These two cards are believed to have been used in A2000 based video gaming machines manufactured by Kenilworth Systems. The first card which is Zorro II, appears to be the primary interace whilst the second card which is ISA (probably uses the ISA slot for power) is the processor board containing a Z80 CPU, some memory and possibily some ROMs for holding the firmware. It is likely the interface board also connects to the processor board.

Contributions to this page by:
Marcus Whitford

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-26 15:36
Revision: 1.0

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