ID #3762

Eyetech: AutoMon CV64/3D

Connection: Video Slot

The AutoMon CV64/3D is a small card which connects to the Cybervision 64/3D graphics card. It physically attaches to the backplate in the same way the Cybervision scandoubler does, but does not use a video slot. It receives the Amiga's native graphics signal by a small adaptor plugged into the video slot and the CV3D's signal by a small ribbon cable attached to it. The AutoMon then automatically switches to the appropriate signal depending on whether your front most screen is a native screen or a graphics card screen. Please note that the AutoMon does NOT scandouble any signals so a monitor supporting 15Khz is still required. The AutoMon can however be used with the EZ-VGA. A version of this unit also exists for the BVision called the AutoMon BVision PPC.

Contributions to this page by:
Mario Misic

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-26 18:33
Revision: 1.0

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