ID #3919

Amitrix: Amiga-Link

AmLink: Disknet
Connection: Floppy Drive Port (Extern)




Hi Res Version, Disknet - 40K
Hi Res Version, Amiga-Link - 65K
Image of Amiga-Link box - 499K

TypeCustom (Uses external floppy drive ports)
SANA-II Driver: Yes
MNI Driver: No
Other Driver: Unknown

The Disknet is a networking solution which uses the external floppy drive port of the Amiga. It uses the same coax cabling as 10Base2 Ethernet (RG-58U/50Ohm) but is NOT compatible and is capable of transferring at around 45k/sec.

The Disknet may be the same device as the AmigaLink, but this has not been confirmed.

Contributions to this page by:
Craig Makarowski, Georg Pesch, Jaeson Koszarsky, Thomas Barth

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-26 21:19
Revision: 1.0

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