ID #3971

Processors: XPC604E

Connection: CPU Socket

200Mhz PGA XPC604E (Motorola)
200Mhz PGA XPC604E (Motorola)

Voltage: 2.5V core / 3.3V I/O
Data Bus: 32bit
Address Bus: 32bit
Cache: 32k Data Cache
32k Instruction Cache
MMU: Yes
FPU: Yes
Transistors: 5,100,000

Available in Mhz

The PowerPC processor was designed and built both by Motorola and IBM. This processor has never been used as the base processor in any Amiga but is available as a co-processor on the Cyberstorm PPC accelerators from Phase 5 and DCE.

Contributions to this page by:
RiWa & Friends

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-26 22:02
Revision: 1.0

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