ID #2903

Georg Braun: Phoenix II

Phoenix II accelerator (prototype)
Phoenix II accelerator (prototype)

Closeup of Phoenix II accelerator (prototype)
Closeup of Phoenix II accelerator (prototype)

Hi Res Version, Phoenix II accelerator (prototype) - 68K
Hi Res Version, Closeup of Phoenix II accelerator (prototype) - 58K
Image of Phoenix II installed - 69K

Processor: 030@32Mhz
FPU: Optional 68881 or 68882@32Mhz (PGA)
MMU: Internal
Max Ram: 4MB
Ram Type: Surface mounted 55ns DRAM Chips

This accelerator is specifically designed for the Amiga clone called the A1000 Phoenix, a motherboard designed around Commodore's A1000 but with superior capabilities. This accelerator was designed and built by several Amiga enthusiasts. At the time of writing, a production run of 10 units are planned. The specifications listed above are for the prototype version with the final version possibly being shipped with an 030@40Mhz.

Contributions to this page by:
Jürgen Weiß, Mario Misic

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-24 19:25
Revision: 1.0

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